They can pray for such a minister. When I was reading Exodus 32, I noticed Moses’ words, “Whoever is on the Lord side come to me! There is in fact no better test of character than this. This class of professing Christians are always distressed unless they see the work of converting sinner going on. This class of persons will always stand by a faithful minister, who preaches the truth boldly and pointedly. Our friends should know that we are on the Lord’s side. And if this object is not advanced, they are in pain. God’s eyes are too holy to behold sin. You see this by one striking characteristic. That man, though he had been useful beyond almost any other man of his age, yet he saw so much to do, and he so longed to see the work go forward and sinners saved, that his mortal frame could not sustain it. Then, next, if you are on “the Lord’s side,” be willing to be in the minority. Not for weight of glory, nor for crown and palm, Enter we the army, raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth lives for whom He died: He whom Jesus saveth marches on His side. Such professors as these are a great trouble to those who are religious from other motives, and who therefore wish to keep all quiet, and have everything go on regularly in the "good old way." Where an individual is aiming mainly at his own salvation, he may think if he does his duty he is discharged from responsibility, and so he is satisfied he thinks he has escaped from divine wrath and gained heaven for himself, by doing what God required him to do, and he cannot help it, whether sinners are saved or lost. Not for weight of glory, not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth lives for whom He died: He whom Jesus nameth must be on His side. When the truth is poured forth with power, their souls are fed, and grow strong in grace. But his tender appeals are accompanied with strong rebuke for sin. Label: Artronics, Inc. - ART-3272 • Format: Vinyl LP, Album • Country: US • Genre: Folk, World, & Country • Style: Gospel So a child that truly loves his father, is never so happy as when he is advancing his father's honor and interest. They manifest a deep abhorrence of the sins of other people. The question was addressed by Moses to the professed people of God, immediately after their great departure from God while Moses was on the Mount, when they went and worshiped a golden calf which had been cast for them by Aaron. 23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. Roll on them this great object. Their leading aim and object is to secure their own salvation, or some other advantage for themselves, through the medium of the favor of God. You will see them when manifesting a spirit of prayer, praying not for themselves but for sinners. They will show that they hate it in themselves, and that they hate it in others. You are either on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, or the side of Satan. | Echoes from Heaven
Such a man deceives himself, if he talk about being the true friend of God and man. No matter if the truth he preaches hits them, they like it, and say, Let the righteous smite me, and it shall be an excellent oil. All
Be sure you stand up for God's banner, even if you must stand alone. The Feast of Trumpets is a day of decision, a time to determine whether we are on the Lord's side. It is so throughout the whole kingdom of nature and of grace. This is what would be expected from their continual desire to do good. I wish you to remember this point that the true friend of God and man never takes the sinner's part, because he never acts through mere compassion. 2 Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrior psalm; But for Love that claimeth Lives for whom He died: He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. Look at them, and see how this feature stands out in strong and eternal relief, as the leading characteristic, the prominent design and object, of their lives, Now let me ask you, what is the leading object of your life, as it appears in your daily walk? This course of conduct makes it evident that they are the true friends of God. 13:35). Now, do you belong to this class, or not? 1. Righteousness is right action, right dressing and right relationship. They are seeking to make God their friend, that they may make use of him to serve their own turn. The true friends of God and man, when they hear a sermon that is not particularly designed to probe and rouse the church and bring them to action, if it is not such as to bear down on sinners and does not tend to convert sinners, it is not the sermon for them. He sought not to please himself, but to do good to others. This sort of Christians are especially distressed when ministers preach sermons not adapted to convert sinners. Will it have a tendency to prevent the conversion of sinners, to hinder the progress of revivals, to roll back the wheels of salvation?" WHO IS ON THE LORDS SIDE Page 587 Trinity Hymnal, p. 482 in guitar fake book Violin obligato book, X Capo to Bb A D A Who is on the Lord's side? We need to take a stand on the side of God and what is right. Can you say, "O Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee, and that these are the features of my character!
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